Ibrahim Laraba Regina                   -Director

The Finance and Accounts Department is statutory empowered by the extant Financial Regulations to manage the finances the finances of the Court and maintain accurate accounting records. The department is headed by a Director.


The Department is amongst others, responsible for:

  1. Management of receipts and expenditure of funds
  2. Maintenance of the Court’s books of accounts and official bank accounts
  3. Providing finance management advice to management
  4. Preparing the Court’s annual budget.
  5. Implementation of Appropriation Act.
  6. Supervision of receipts and issuance from the store
  7. Revenue Collection and remittance
  8. response to the Auditor General for the Federation and Public Accounts Committees of the National Assembly observations and ensure compliance
  9. Ensure prompt rendition of all returns as prescribed by the extant Financial Regulations
  10. Prepare and submit Financial Statement according to IPSAS requirement to the office of the Accountant General of the Federation.

The Finance and Supply department consist of the following units namely:

  1. Head of Accounts
  2. Central Pay Office cashier
  3. Expenditure Control
  4. Revenue Unit
  5. Final Account
  6. Salary Unit
  7. Checking Units
  8. Store Unit
  9. Bank Reconciliation
  10. Insurance Unit
  11. Court Revenue